Smart. Helpful. Human. Responsible.

Move Talent. Deliver Experience.

As the world continues to evolve, organizations are exploring new ways of working to meet today’s growing business demands. This isn't easy to do when each business has its own agenda and objectives. That’s where Sirva comes in. We aim to help mobility leaders and talent managers navigate the complexity of relocation to meet and exceed company goals.

We have every resource to ensure your relocating employees are well taken care of as they prepare to embark on their relocation journey. With every interaction, we look to communicate in a way that is: Smart, Helpful, Human, and Responsible. These four pillars are indicative of the way we conduct ourselves and business in general.

What does this mean in practice and how do we use these pillars to help you?


Let's Chat



  • We use cutting-edge technology to collect, sort, and report data in ways that are most meaningful to you.
  • We work with our worldwide network of vetted service partners to share important information and critical updates in a timely fashion to support your mobile employee wherever they may be.
  • We’re constantly in a state of improvement and innovation to make sure you have the best tools available to support your mobility program.


  • We take a proactive approach to problem-solving by anticipating needs and requirements based on decades of experience.
  • We understand that every client is different and each customer is an individual and we’ll always ask about their specific mobility needs and requirements.
  • We think outside the box and offer creative solutions and well-researched recommendations to you and your mobile employees.


  • We’re committed to cultivating a workplace and ecosystem that reflects the diversity of the global organizations we serve.
  • We believe the best results are realized when empathy, inclusion, kindness, and integrity serve as the basis for every interaction.
  • We’re a people-first company who prides ourselves on providing personal, high-touch support to you and your employees.


  • We see ourselves as positive change agents for our clients and their mobile employees in every pocket of the world where you live and work.
  • We embody an inclusive, engaged company culture, resulting in empowered employees that reflect a wide range of approaches and perspectives, leading to new ideas, innovation, and excellence.
  • We seek sustainable solutions that lower carbon footprints, increase productivity, and reduce costs for our company, our customers, and the planet 


We’re here for you. Our dedication to global mobility and talent management is underpinned by a collective desire to deliver an exceptional move experience, from start to finish. We’re passionate about what we do, and deliberate about how we do it.

Smart. Helpful. Human. Responsible.



  • by Daina Mueller
  • Wednesday, July 24, 2024 9:57:06 AM

Selecting the right candidate for international assignments continues to be an area that companies want to improve, as early repatriation and attrition can lead to failed assignments and have a big financial and talent cost for your organization. One way to help choose the right employee for an assignment, increase their chances of success on assignment, and maximize your mobility program’s ROI is to conduct candidate assessments.

Candidate assessments can help companies develop their talent. In an earlier post, Maximize Your Global Mobility ROI With Candidate Assessments, we discussed best practices organizations can use to strategically assess, select, and develop candidates. Following is a case study where we helped a client develop a customized assignment readiness strategy to help support their employees before, during, and after the assignment. 

Case Study

An automotive and e-mobility company was facing early repatriation and attrition challenges leading to failed international assignments. This prompted the organization to explore candidate assessment and readiness solutions to increase assignment success, leading them to:

  • Conduct an extensive analysis on the monetary value of losses, which totalled USD $2million per failed assignment.
  • Identify the root cause as “unrealistic expectations” for the international assignment.
  • Explore solutions to assess candidates and provide realistic expectations to assignees immediately.
  • Present a proposal, in partnership with Sirva, to the organization’s Talent Council for top- down buy-in and to set realistic expectations for the challenges of international assignments.

Sirva Intercultural Solution

Sirva Intercultural collaborated with the organization to build a customized assignment readiness solution including:

  • Access to the Overseas Assignment Inventory (OAI), Sirva’s proprietary assessment tool, for the employee and partner to measure cultural adaptability.
  • Providing a manager’s questionnaire outlining the purpose of the assignment, job description, and expectations for the role.
  • Access to CultureWizard’s Culture Calculator Suite to create a personal profile of cultural values to better understand areas of similarity and differences between the home and host locations.
  • Curated assignment destination information to ensure employees are presented with the positives and challenges of the assignment location provided by Sirva’s Destination Service Providers.
  • Interpretative behavioural interviews with Sirva Intercultural trainer to validate OAI scores, debrief the Culture Calculator profile, present the manager’s questionnaire, and review destination information.
  • Summary reports for the organization’s HR and management including a risk assessment, visual graphics of results from tools, and assignment recommendations.


Sirva’s solutions allowed the organization to:

  • Secure buy-in for the customized solution from the Talent Council.
  • Gain support from leadership, assignees, and potential candidates for pre-assignment activities.
  • Launch a pilot program with select assignees already in the host location and some preparing for assignment.
  • Gather compelling data and knowledge of assignees’ cultural agility to further customize the organization’s global mobility policy to address talent mobilization needs and alleviate assignee and family concerns.
  • Develop strategies to maximize the success of key talent on assignment and minimize financial losses.
  • Support assignments in real time and build potential candidate pools for future assignments.



Expanding the use of candidate assessments can help you further your overall organization’s talent objectives. For more information on how Sirva can help you with candidate assessments and other intercultural training tools to help your contribute to your organization’s strategic talent development goals, please email us at or reach out to your Sirva representative.


Related Resources:

ROI duty of care
Webinar - Intercultural
Maximize Your Global Mobility ROI With Candidate Assessments How Duty Of Care Can Support And Help Retain Your Talent Developing Inclusion And Belonging To Enhance The Employee Experience
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