About Us

We are the leader in the mobility industry and the only globally integrated mobility service solutions company.

Meet Sirva: Your Full-Service Mobility Solution

Sirva is recognized as the preeminent leader in the mobility industry and the only globally integrated mobility service solutions company. Our worldwide team of mobility experts offers the most comprehensive portfolio of value-added services and technology solutions to HR and Mobility leaders and mobile employees. We help guide employees through the relocation process to ensure a seamless experience, providing the perfect blend of self-service and personalized support. Whether you are relocating a key executive for the first time or an entire team of engineers overseas, Sirva enables you to fully outsource your program or design a customized solution.

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Sirva at a Glance

Sirva has an impressive global reach, supported by a vast worldwide partner network. We serve clients across many industry sectors and geographies. Our team, consisting of thousands of dedicated employees who speak a multitude of languages and represent diverse nationalities, is the cornerstone of our success. We are proud to hold a significant market share in the industry and continuously set new standards of excellence and innovation. Sirva's is committed to delivering outstanding service and is dedicated to excellence and continuous improvement.
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Setting the Standard

Sirva’s scope of services is unmatched in the mobility industry, allowing us to offer you truly strategic solutions and customized service options. We are the only company to integrate globally delivered services for relocation, moving, mortgage and more, along with internal expertise in cultural training, immigration, and destination support.

As the recognized leader in our industry, we pride ourselves in raising the bar by offering our clients and customers next-level services and support.


Our delivery model is comprised of dedicated consultants, 24/7 global support, and omnichannel access, allowing consultants to focus on meaningful interactions.


Sirva offers innovative cost optimization solutions including RiskGuard®, the industry’s only fixed fee U.S. home sale program, which simplifies budgeting, eliminates home inventory, and avoids home sale management.



Our in-house global financial experts offer consultative expertise, managing all financial services and specializing in accounting, relocation tax, compensation, and payroll.


An API integration, with leading HRIS platforms and secure data management for reporting and analytics, enhances the mobility process.


Our destination, immigration, home sale, and household goods teams work closely with our supply chain to continuously drive improvements and innovation.


Professionally managed and integrated direct delivery model ensures an optimal balance of performance, cost, and flexibility.

An Inspired Approach

As the world of work continues to change, organizations are exploring new ways to meet today’s growing business demands. We identified four key principals that were most important to our customers, and we use these elements as core values that guide every action we take. Our dedication to global mobility and talent management is underpinned by our collective desire to deliver an exceptional move experience from start to finish. We’re passionate about what we do and deliberate in how we do it.

We are guided by four key principles that underscore our ongoing commitment to delivering an exceptional client and customer experience:


Technology and data are at the forefront of every move. Before we react, we check the research.


Everything we do is done with the intent of solving a problem, being supportive, or showing that we care.


We embrace all people, experiences, and perspectives, acting with courage, honesty, and integrity. 


Our goal is to serve as a positive change agent in society and contribute to the sustainability of our planet.

Click the button below to learn more about our approach and commitment to service excellence.


Our Approach


Meet Sirva's Executive Leadership Team

Our management team is driven by an ongoing commitment to deliver an exceptional experience for you and the employees you move. As the world of work continues to evolve, you can rest assured that we are focused on meeting and exceeding your needs with flexibility, cutting-edge technology, and seamless processes. Our passion for improving lives shows with every decision we make.


Let Us Help You

Sirva can provide you with the resources, guidance, and support you need to achieve the best possible mobility experience for your talent and your organization. We bring together personalized program solutions, expansive global reach, innovative technology, and an unmatched supply chain to transform your business. We can help empower your talent moving to their next opportunity and deliver an exceptional experience. 

If you would like to know more about how we can help you meet your evolving talent needs and ensure that your mobility program remains agile and competitive for the future, please contact us now. 

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What Questions Should I Include in My Mobility RFP/Tender?

  • by Debra Monkman
  • Thursday, September 10, 2020 3:00:00 PM

Four Types of Questions That Create a More Targeted Questionnaire

When internal mobility teams conduct an RFP/tender, one of the biggest challenges they don’t anticipate is how they’ll manage and evaluate all of the responses they’ll receive. It’s easy for the size of a questionnaire to grow when numerous departments and stakeholders are involved. In the pressure to get their bid packages launched, many teams end up adding numerous questions, thinking it will be the easiest, most thorough way to address everyone’s needs. The problem is, if the size of the questionnaire gets out of control during creation, review times can end up taking months instead of weeks. Internal evaluators end up assessing pages and pages of answers for multiple mobility bids. Much of this can be avoided by asking fewer, targeted questions from the start.

If the hope is to gain a long-term, strategic partner, choosing the right mobility provider relies on truly understanding a bidder’s capabilities, experience, capacity and culture. Companies can increase the likelihood of finding the right match, before going out to bid, by taking the time to answer a few questions. Sourcing teams should ask themselves: What results am I hoping to achieve by changing vendors? What are our most painful issues? Where is our provider’s alignment with our company goals going to be the most crucial? The RFP/tender should always be reflective of these priorities, along with the end-goal of finding a provider who can best meet company needs and culture.

Below, we discuss four types of questions that can help businesses quickly and objectively identify a provider that will be the best match. 

coworkers discussing rfp4 Types of Questions That Create a More Targeted RFP/Tender

1. “X Factor” Questions:  Define who the candidate is

“X factor” questions help companies to understand exactly who a responding company is. They’re designed to elicit information about the company’s approach, culture, philosophy, and experience. The way an RMC chooses to answer these questions can quickly provide sourcing teams with insight into whether or not the provider’s values and operational methods align. Sample questions might include:

  • As a provider, can you describe your company’s role in the mobility industry and how you define yourself among your competitors? What value does this role present to us?
  • Why is your company the best fit for our goals? (Be sure to clearly define your goals in the RFP.)
  • How do you measure the value you bring to a client and how do you see this value changing as the relationship evolves?
  • In what areas (geographic, functional, and/or commercial) would your solutions outperform the competition?
  • How many clients do you support in our industry and what do you consider to be the key factors to delivering an excellent experience to their transferring employees?

2. Metrics-Based Questions: Ask for numbers and data

Looking at facts and figures is the easiest way to compare providers. It’s also the best way to ensure that the companies you’re soliciting have the right experience in the services and places that matter most to you – that they can truly do what they claim they can. Ensure that your questions don’t leave room for generic promises and unsubstantiated claims by asking for measurable proof in responses. Simplify your sourcing by requesting key data points that mean the most to you and examine these areas first to narrow down to candidates that will receive a more detailed review. These questions could include:

  • What is the average client tenure of your top 25 clients?
  • Using move volumes, where would we rank in your list of clients?
  • How many long-term international assignments did you manage last year?
  • In the past 12 months, what were the satisfaction rates of employees moving under VIP programs?
  • What has your Net Promoter score been for the past three years?

3. Thought Leadership and Innovation-Based Questions:  Find a partner that can drive improvements

Businesswoman presenting to colleagues at a meeting

Separating promises from proof goes a long way to expedite the review process. Just as with metrics-based questions, thought leadership and innovation-based questions should ensure that answers include proof of what candidates say they’ve have done or are capable of doing. These types of questions are useful when soliciting information around expertise, processes, and potential to drive efficiency. Examples of these types of questions may include:

  • Can you provide examples of the research and/or publications you have produced or contributed to in the past three years?
  • What has your annual spend on technology development been for the past three years?
  • What were the most recent innovations you’ve introduced?
  • Can you share details regarding the implementation of a complex client program and describe any improvements resulting from your transition methods?
  • What is a unique or creative way that you have provided value to one of your customers?

4. Future-Result-Driven Questions: Find a partner that will evolve with your company

Finally, make sure you’re asking questions that reveal whether your potential providers understand your company and have a plan for how best to meet your goals, now and in the future. When possible, it is ideal to provide policy information, historical volumes, or other operational details, which also allow you ask more specific questions about how a supplier will manage your unique program – and evolve with you as your needs change. Get a vision of your future by including questions such as:

  • What recommendations do you have to improve our program performance while still maintaining a highly supportive program?
  • What options can you offer to help us reduce overall costs?
  • How will you help our mobility program contribute to our overall business goals?
  • What percentage of services in our program will be delivered by third-party suppliers and how will you ensure consistency in experience and service quality?
  • How will you help us to navigate any trends and upcoming events that you feel will most impact our program?  

When it comes to creating a mobility RFP/tender, it’s far more important to ask strategic questions than it is to ask a lot of them. Doing this not only saves sourcing teams time when they’re evaluating candidate responses, it also helps them to find a provider that is better aligned with your company’s needs, goals, and culture. Identify and clarify these company attributes before beginning the process and formulate questions that demand measurable answers. The result will assist in finding and establishing a long-term partnership that will benefit your employees and your mobility program for years to come.

For more information, see our resources, below, or contact us at concierge@sirva.com.





7 Steps to a Successful RFP or Tender

When Should My Company Go Out to Bid? Insights on When and How to Create an Effective RFP/Tender

Avoiding the Rabbit Hole: A Better Solution for Creating a Relocation RFP/Tender

Best Practices, Challenges, and Solutions for Conducting a Mobility RFP/Tender



Dee Koharchik | Director, Sales Strategy

Lisa Marie DeSanto | Manager, Content Marketing


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