
When Should My Company Go Out to Bid? Insights on When and How to Create an Effective RFP/Tender

Published: 14 September 2020
SIRVA Communications

A mismatched partnership with a relocation provider can have wide-reaching negative impacts, from cost inefficiencies to clashes between company cultures. The long-term effects can be draining on a company’s financial and staffing resources and result in poor employee experiences that, ultimately, also impact a company’s mobility brand reputation. In such cases, you owe it to your company and your employees to go out to bid.


What to know more about solutions for conducting a mobility RFP/Tender? View our additional content below: 

7 Steps to a Successful RFP or Tender

Avoiding the Rabbit Hole: A Better Solution for Creating a Relocation RFP/Tender

What Types of Questions Should I Include in My Mobility RFP/Tender?

Best Practices, Challenges, and Solutions for Conducting a Mobility RFP/Tender

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