Global Services

Whether your employees are heading across the country or crossing continents, Sirva has the on-the-ground international relocation services you need. From Canada to Australia and everywhere in between, we understand the nuances across each region . 

We provide offerings to satisfy your unique needs, whether selling a home in the U.S., managing a cross-country household goods move, or helping employees to get settled into their new homes in Europe. Our global experience means that you can count on seamless international relocation, no matter what’s next.

Departure Services

From the initial policy consulting call through the move itself, there are a lot of moving pieces associated with employee relocation. Whether planning a domestic or international relocation, SIRVA is expertly positioned to offer the best departure services available during a relocation in every region around the world.

Destination Services

Setting your employees up for success upon arrival at their new locations will be key to successfully meeting your company’s goals. SIRVA’s global network and expansive resources allow us to you achieve your goals. Our destination services and international movers help employees and their families settle in and prosper in their new homes.

Visa and Immigration

SIRVA’s team of experienced international relocation specialists are expertly equipped to manage inbound and outbound global immigration services. With SIRVA’s Immigration team, the focus is on providing a smooth customer experience that enhances the relocation process, not just achieving a successful application.

People talking at a table

Employee Counselling

For your employees, a single relocation professional assists with end-to-end coordination of services: a relocation consultant for domestic/intra-country moves or global assignment consultant for international relocation. These consultants are your employees’ resource for all communication and services relating to their move, and coordinate the delivery of all authorised services. Regardless of the service being delivered (temporary housing, moving services, etc.), the employee can rely on the consultant as their go-to resource to address any concerns. 

VIP Services

If you are searching for an enhanced service for your employees, SIRVA offers VIP services such as personal relocation assistants, in-home cleaning services, personalised family assistance, and many other tailored and luxury enhancements. 

Related Services

Interested in learning more about our global services?

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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Why Singapore Could Be Your Next Corporate Relocation Destination

  • by Daina Mueller
  • 04 October 2022 11:05:00

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated Singapore’s need to attract global talent. The country has acted swiftly and contained the spread of the virus, opening their borders fully to all. Hong Kong, the financial hub of Asia, is still struggling with quarantine and COVID-19 containment measures. Similarly, China’s strict zero-COVID policy has driven many people to leave the country and come to Singapore in search of better work and study opportunities.

Singapore Introduces “ONE” Pass

The Singapore government recently announced a new initiative to attract top global talent. A new work pass, the Overseas Networks and Expertise Pass (ONE), will be open for applications from 1 January 2023. This move is one of several measures Singapore has put in place to strengthen its position as a global talent hub. The country has been making progressive plans to bring in the best people around the world and to accelerate the development of the local talent pool.

The new Overseas Networks and Expertise Pass for top foreign professionals has a criterion of S$30,000 in fixed monthly salary. Applicants who do not meet this salary threshold can also apply if they have outstanding achievements in the fields of arts, sports, science or academia.

The pass will be valid for five years, compared to the current two years for new Employment Pass (EP) applicants, and it is not tied to a job role in Singapore. Spouses of the ONE Pass holders are also able to obtain a Letter of Consent (LOC) to work in Singapore. The longer five-year duration of the pass, as well as the letter of consent (LOC) for spouses, is meant to further encourage top talent to come to Singapore. For overseas candidates, the previous or prospective employer must also have a market capitalisation of at least US$500 million or an annual revenue of at least US$200 million.

Employment Pass and ONE Pass Comparison

The following table provides a quick snapshot of the difference between the current EP and the upcoming ONE Pass:

  Employment Pass  ONE Pass 
What can you do with the pass? Work for an employer Concurrently start, operate and work for multiple companies at any one time
  • Minimum qualifying salary of S$4500 (amount increases progressively with age, up to S$8400 for candidates in their mid-40s)
  • For new applications from 1 September 2022, the minimum qualifying salary has been raised to S$5000 (up to S$10,500 for candidates in their mid-40s)
Must earn a minimum of S$30,000 fixed monthly salary within the past year, or will do so under future employer in Singapore 
Pass validity for new applicants

Two years

Five years for experienced tech professionals with skills in shortage from 1 September 2023 

Five years 

Yes, for three years

Yes, for three years
Eligibility to bring dependants? Yes, only if candidates earn a minimum of S$6000 (for spouses and children) or S$12,000 for parents Yes, spouses can work with a Letter of Consent (LOC)

Changes to the S Pass

Concurrently, the Singapore government has also announced changes to the S Pass qualifying salaries. The following table summarises these changes:

 S Pass
  New applications: submitted on or after 1 September 2022
from 1 September 2023
New applications: from 1 September 2023
from 1 September 2024
 New applications: from 1 September 2025

Renewals: from 1 September 2026

All Sectors (except financial services)  S$3,000
(Increases progressively with age, up to $4,500 for those in mid-40s)
At least S$3,150 (to be finalised)  At least S$3,300 (to be finalised)
Financial Services S$3,500
(Increases progressively with age, up to $5,500 for those in mid-40s)
At least S$3,650 (to be finalised) At least S$3,800 (to be finalised) 
Eligibility to bring dependants? Yes, only if candidates earn a minimum of S$6000 (for spouses and children) or S$12,000 for parents

Changes to S Pass Quota


From 1 Jan 2023
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Marine shipyard
  • Process
Change from 18% to 15% of total workforce 
 Services  No change

If you are unsure whether you qualify for an Employment Pass or S Pass, we highly recommend you use the Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) to check before applying or renewing your pass. 

With all these measures in place, Singapore is indeed an ideal location to be considered for your next corporate relocation. With sophisticated infrastructure in place, a stable government and family-friendly policies, we foresee high employee mobility activity into the country. 

Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at