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We bring together personalized program solutions, expansive global reach, innovative technology and an unmatched supply chain.


  • by Daina Mueller
  • 03 January 2024 12:49:00

Through ongoing conversations with clients, we have been exploring key trend areas and their impact on mobility strategies, as well as components to consider implementing to achieve talent management and organisational objectives related to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG).


Providing expanded support that anticipates a diverse set of needs and provides easy accessibility for all employees is important for organisations. Top areas of focus include diversifying their mobility population, providing meaningful support to all employees, incorporating flexibility in policy and processes, and addressing accessibility needs.

DEI: What are Organisations Planning?

Following are some strategies organisations have shared to help enhance DEI initiatives:

DEI BlogDEI Strategies


  • Host mandatory training for unconscious bias
  • Establish company-wide DEI training requirement for all team members
  • Conduct regular global mobility meetings to reflect on DEI and how to improve programme
  • Establish Employee Resource Groups (ERG)

Policy and Processes

  • Review relocation policies for feedback and suggestions (DEI leaders)
  • Adjust policies to accommodate:
    • Needs related to dual income families
    • Barriers to women accepting assignments, e.g., family allowance, single parent support
    • Wellbeing allowance and focus on family
  • Offer flexible benefits
  • Review policy language to ensure it reflects current diverse populations (e.g., LGBTQ+)

Candidate Identification & Selection

  • Focus on diversifying expat populations
  • Identify diverse hires for intern programmes
  • Increase diversity of candidate pools and workforces



Organisations are focusing on meeting sustainability goals for mobility programmes through  processes and policies, as well as tracking, measuring, and driving practices within the supply chain.

ESG: What are organisations Planning?

Following are some strategies s have shared to help improve ESG initiatives:

sustainableESG Strategies

Policy and Processes

  • Implement a Discard & Donate programme for a positive environmental impact and to eliminate stress for the family
  • Offer sustainable options to employees to reduce carbon footprint, e.g., virtual services, solar panels on all buildings, car ports with solar
  • Require use of Minority- and Women-Owned Businesses
  • Encourage sustainability with downstream suppliers and include carbon footprint verbiage in policies
  • Reduce look-and-see trips
  • Review policy and programme offerings for ESG impacts
  • Offer paid time off for volunteer days of service


For more information on how we can help your organisation shape the future of DEI and ESG in your mobility programme, please email us at concierge@sirva.com or reach out to your Sirva representative.