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Trends in Global Workforce Models: Benchmark Study

  • by Daina Mueller
  • 18 July 2023 06:39:00

Sirva conducted a benchmark study, Work Location Flexibility Approaches, which explored the current and evolving practices of 17 global organisations in a variety of industries for how they are approaching and adapting to new global workforce models.

The study focused on International Temporary Remote Work, Permanent Remote Work, and Hybrid Remote Work models and how regulatory challenges and role definitions are critical to the administration of remote work programmes.

Among the findings:

Benchmark Study (1)


Please read our full report to learn more about evolving global workforce models.

Establishing a remote work approach, either temporarily or permanently, can offer benefits to both employees and organisations, but also many challenges, especially as the scope and definition of remote work expands. Careful planning is vital when developing a framework for your remote worker population.


For more information on trends in remote work, and how we can help you ensure you have a remote work model that works for your organisation, please contact Sirva Global Advisory Services at globaladvisoryservices@sirva.com.