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Singapore as a Relocation Destination: Understanding the ONE Pass

  • by Daina Mueller
  • 13 April 2023 09:48:00

In a previous blog post, we talked about why Singapore could potentially be your next corporate relocation destination. Due to its sound economic policies and political stability, Singapore has been enjoying a steady influx of foreigners. The global war for talent has led many nations to review and improve on their work pass offerings in a bid to attract more top talent. To increase the appeal of working in Singapore, the Overseas Networks Expertise Pass (ONE) was introduced last year. The ONE Pass is a personalised pass for top talent across all sectors, including business, arts and culture, and sports, as well as academia and research. It allows eligible applicants to concurrently start, operate and work for multiple companies in Singapore at any one time.It allows eligible applicants to concurrently start, operate and work for multiple companies in Singapore at any one time.

What is the duration of the ONE pass?

The ONE Pass has a validity of five years from the date of pass issuance and is renewable for five years each time. To be eligible for renewal, the pass holder must meet either of the following criteria: 

  1. Earned a fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000 on average over the past five years in Singapore.
  2. Started, and is operating, a Singapore-based company that employs at least five locals, each earning at least S$5,000 (pegged to the EP minimum qualifying salary).

Who can apply for the ONE Pass?

The Overseas Networks and Expertise Pass is for top foreign professionals within the sectors of business, arts and culture, and sports, as well as academia and research and has a criterion of S$30,000 in fixed monthly salary from one employer. 

Overseas candidates choosing to work in Singapore: Need to produce proof that they have been working for an established* company overseas for at least one year. Alternatively, they can also show that they will be working for an established company in Singapore.

Existing work pass holders in Singapore: Proof needs to be shown that they have been working in Singapore for at least one year, or will be working for an established* company in Singapore.

*For a company to be considered established, it must have a market capitalisation or valuation of at least US$500 million or an annual revenue of at least US$200 million.

Is the ONE Pass extended to family members?

Spouses and unmarried children of ONE Pass holders who are under the age of 21 need to apply for the Dependent’s Pass.

Parents, common-law spouses, unmarried handicapped children aged 21 and above, and unmarried stepchildren under 21 years old will have to apply for the Long-Term Visit Pass.

What are the documents required to apply for the ONE pass?

The travel document biodata page is required. Different documents are required to be submitted for various categories of candidates.

Candidates who earned a fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000 for the last year while working in Singapore will need to submit the following:
  • Candidate's monthly payslips for a consecutive period of 12 months.
  • Most recent tax statements from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore.
  • Documents supporting other income sources other than fixed monthly salary (if applicable).

Candidates who earned a fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000 (or its equivalent in foreign currency) for the last year while working overseas will need to submit the following:

  • Candidate’s monthly payslips for a consecutive period of 12 months.
  • Employment verification proof from a background screening company.
  • Documents supporting other income sources other than fixed monthly salary (if applicable).
  • Documents indicating latest company valuation, market capitalisation or annual company revenue of the candidate’s current or most recent employer. If the documentation is not available, you may provide the compan']s latest audited profit and loss statements.

Candidates who will be earning a fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000 from a prospective employer based in Singapore will need to submit the following: 

  • Employment contract with a Singapore organisation or letter of offer from a prospective employer in Singapore.
  • Documents indicating latest company valuation, market capitalisation or annual company revenue of the candidate's prospective employer within the last three months.

Candidates with outstanding achievements in arts and culture, sports or academia and research will need to submit the following: 

  • Payslips from the latest month.
  • Documents supporting other income sources other than fixed monthly fixed salary (if applicable).
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) highlighting key achievements.

For candidates applying under the academia and research track:

  • CV should list significant publications, patents or technology disclosures in the past five years.
  • Provide recommendation or endorsement letter or document by a local host institution for a potential position.

How long does it take to process the ONE Pass?

It takes approximately four weeks to process the ONE Pass.

Where can candidates apply for the pass?

You can apply for the ONE PASS here on the Ministry of Manpower website.

The application outcome will be sent to the notification email indicated in your application. If the pass is approved, print the in-principle approval (IPA) letter. It has a pre-approved single-entry visa for you to enter Singapore.  The IPA gives you six months to enter Singapore and have the pass issued. It also states whether you need to go for a medical examination, which can be done after arrival in Singapore.

The above information is extracted from the Ministry of Manpower Singapore Sirva provides consultancy services on the ONE Pass application.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at concierge@sirva.com.

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