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DE&I Considerations: 3 Ways to Move Beyond the Basics

  • by Debra Monkman
  • 05 July 2022 10:26:00
Many organisations have looked at their Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) programmes to ensure that language, policies, documents and processes are supporting the company’s DEI initiatives. SIRVA’s recent white paper, Diversity Equity & Inclusion Considerations for Mobility Programmes, explored four areas of impact to consider when aligning organisational DE&I initiatives with mobility programmes— policy review, process and procedures review, vendor alignment and analytics. Having addressed the basics, organisations are now looking for ways to provide more meaningful support that anticipates needs, provides easy accessibility to benefits for all employees, and allows for flexible or customised support.

3 Next Steps to Align Mobility and DE&I 

Meaningful Support

To provide meaningful support, organisations need to understand the evolving needs of relocating employees and their families. It is important not to assume that you know what your employees’ needs are based on past experiences, or that your mobility programme needs are met because it is compliant and aligned with best practices. Take the time to:

  • Fully understand the locations you are moving people to and from, and the challenges that might affect the employee and their family
  • Ask the employee about their/their family’s needs 
    Seek feedback from employees on their unique experience and act on that feedback
  • Understand how service delivery may vary by location
  • Appreciate how disabilities may affect how employees engage services and proactively implement adaptive support protocols



To ensure that all employees have access to the same level of support, organisations are putting processes into place, or evaluating current processes, to assist employees who may require a different kind of support or may need to access support differently.

Several key areas to consider include:

  • Ensuring that your relocation technology platform has inclusive design that accommodates accessibility needs including blindness, hearing impairment, hearing, motor/physical, epilepsy or neuro diversity. 
  • Providing true global support including multiple languages, customer data tracked across all regions, and 24/7 support in any region.
  • Offering flexible policy features that provide unique customisation to fit employee and family needs. 
  • Reviewing employee and stakeholder feedback frequently to ensure that mobility support is being provided in ways that are meaningful and accessible to all groups.


Flexible Support

Organisations are continuing to look for ways to provide support that is flexible and offers employees the opportunity to choose:

  • When they want to engage support 
  • What support they need on their own timeline
  • How they want support provided, e.g. language training can be provided to the employee via a classroom, online with a personal coach, or via a digital, self-guided curriculum

Some examples of enabling employees the opportunity to customise their support include:

  • Creating their own personal agenda or scope of work that the destination services provider (DSP) will support
  • Choosing to have the DSP speak in their native language vs the destination language
  • Choosing the number of days of DSP support they need based on their family’s needs
  • Selecting an allowance in lieu of a shipment
    Adding education support to benefits when needed

Employees may also choose to enhance the support they are already receiving. Several examples include:

  • Applying a temporary living enhancement:
    • Grocery services upon arrival
    • General pantry set up upon arrival
    • Home office packages
    • Children’s packages
    • Pet packages
    • Sanitisation services
  • Engaging an education specialist as part of destination support
  • Applying a destination arrival enhancement:
    • Cleaning and sanitisation services
    • Destination quick start programme
    • Family support
    • Local network for spouses/partners


Staying in Sync with Company Initiatives

As HR managers seek to align mobility programmes with your overall organisational DE&I initiatives, they will not want to look out of sync with company initiatives or find themselves in an area of risk because they had not taken the time to review their programmes/policies. Organisations need to be thinking about the next steps in aligning mobility programmes with company DE&I initiatives once they have addressed the basics. This will allow the organisation to continue to improve upon their company alignment, provide more meaningful and accessible support to employees, and help support company goals.

For further information on aligning DE&I initiatives with your mobility programme, or assessing your overall mobility programme, contact SIRVA Global Advisory Services at globaladvisoryservices@sirva.com or reach out to your SIRVA account manager or SIRVA sales representative.