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Six Ways to Evaluate Your Extended Business Travel Programme

  • by User Not Found
  • 21 June 2022 10:37:00

Organisations are continuing to plan their strategies after pandemic-imposed restrictions, and one area of renewed focus is extended business travel (EBT).

For organisations beginning to develop an EBT programme, or reevaluating their current programme, our article, Key Considerations for Extended Business Traveller Programmes, highlights key questions you need to answer and provides some recommended policy support items to include in your programme. 

Key Questions to Evaluate Your EBT Programme

To position your EBT programme as a strategic tool to meet your organisation’s business needs in an evolving post-pandemic workplace, you need to answer some key questions to avoid potential compliance issues and support duty of care for your employees.

  1. Define extended business travel – what does extended business travel mean to your organisation and what is its purpose?
  2. Decide on administrative structure/programme oversight – who has ultimate oversight for the EBT programme and how is it administered? 
  3. Develop processes and policies – do you have a formal policy or guidelines in place with clear documentation?
  4. Identify employee tracking – do you have an employee tracking mechanism in place to manage tax, immigration and duty of care concerns?
  5. Leverage mobility provider network – are you able to identify and leverage existing providers to support your programme?
  6. Coordinate support – do you have a mechanism in place to coordinate EBT support?

6 ways to evaluate your EBT program


For more information on how you can make EBTs a strategic part of your mobility programme, contact SIRVA Global Advisory Services at globaladvisoryservices@sirva.com or reach out to your SIRVA account manager or SIRVA sales representative.

Read our article, Key Considerations for Extended Business Traveller Programmes, for more information on:

  • Steps to evaluate a comprehensive and effective EBT programme
  • Keys to developing formal policy and processes
  • Ways to identify and streamline supporting providers 
  • Recommended EBT support elements

Read Our Article



  • Kathy Burrows, Senior Director, Global Advisory Services