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Duty of Care: Keys to Supporting Post-Pandemic Mobility

  • by Daina Mueller
  • 02 December 2021 06:23:00


The COVID-19 pandemic raised the importance of duty of care for organisations and heightened the focus on mobility support. In fact, 62% of respondents to SIRVA’s pulse survey, Spotlight on Duty of Care, indicated they now have more responsibility for duty of care. The pulse survey sheds light on pre-pandemic duty of care support, current support, and what mobility might look like in the foreseeable future.

Organisations are facing challenges with the increased costs of additional duty of care support, addressing the differences in global support, and managing resources that are already stretched thin. Among the findings of the survey were some key ways in which organisations can prepare for post-pandemic mobility.

Supporting New Duty of Care Responsibilities

Mobility practitioners indicated that they are supporting new duty of care responsibilities in two general areas—employee tracking and employee support. The top strategies organisations are applying for employee tracking are setting travel restrictions andSpotlight on Duty of Care Report guidelines (71%) and tracking all employees on assignment (47%). The top employee-focused areas of increased support are mental health and well-being support (65%) and sanitising services (56%).

Listening to Your Employees

An encouraging sign is that 59% of organisations responded that they are increasingly open to listening to employee needs compared to before the pandemic. Employees want to feel valued and have their voices heard, so this tactic is one of the ways organisations can deliver a positive experience for relocating employees.

The top three areas of support requested by employees are additional quarantine support, extended relocation timelines and phased assignments where the family arrives after the employee. Employees are also seeking greater clarity and information on the security and medical support they will receive. Listening to your employees can not only increase the success of assignments, but can be a good way to attract and retain your top talent.

Adding New Provisions to Support Post-Pandemic Mobility

While we are not in the post-pandemic stage quite yet, it is important to think about what the future of mobility support will be. Following are the top five policy provisions that organisations have added, or will be adding, to their policy to support post-pandemic mobility:

  1. Following local quarantine requirements (68%)
  2. Providing sanitising services (61%)
  3. Offering mental health services (56%)
  4. Quarantine support (53%)
  5. More robust tracking of employees and critical information (49%)

Read our Duty of Care Pulse Survey for key considerations on how you can best support your employees. For more information on how SIRVA can help your company address post-pandemic duty of care, please contact us, at concierge@sirva.com.

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