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Webinar: The Virtual Survey through the Eyes of the Transferee

  • by Daina Mueller
  • 26 June 2020 14:56:00

As COVID-19 is contained and household goods shipments (HHGs) resume, a question that has been raised is, “What will the journey and experience look like for relocating employees?” While company stakeholders prepare for the “new normal” associated with relocation and moving in a post-pandemic world, they will likely have questions regarding how relocating employees and companies will navigate the use of virtual technology in the moving space. The household goods pre-move survey is a key component in constructing the individualised move plan and experience for the employee. To provide assistance, SIRVA professionals will be hosting an informative webinar with Worldwide ERC, Virtual Survey through the Eyes of the Transferee, on this timely topic.

Register for the Webinar

Join Mike Smith (SIRVA’s Vice President of Global Moving Sales and Account Management) and Jennifer Garcia (Director of Moving Account Management) on 21 July 2020, as they guide attendees through a virtual survey for a household goods move. As a result of attending the webinar, attendees will:

  • Gain an understanding regarding the transition to a virtual survey
  • Learn how to set the scene and set the right expectations
  • See how the associated technology will work during a survey
  • Observe how the actions and interactions of the surveyor and employee can create challenges in the moving process or produce a desirable outcome
  • Better understand the legal position of recording personal goods in the employee’s home
  • Observe what happens to collected data and how it is used

Key takeaways for the participants include:

  • Understanding what the “new normal” is in the moving space and how technology associated with the pre-move survey can ease the moving process
  • Comparing and contrasting the experience of an in-home survey to a virtual survey

In addition to gaining an education regarding an industry-wide transition and valuable insights regarding the use of technology to survey an employee’s home, participants in the programme will also benefit from the ability to justify more robustly the experience that companies will be asking employees to participate in. 

Webinar: The Virtual Survey through the Eyes of the Transferee

Date: 21 July 2020

Time: 11:00 AM, EST

 Where: Worldwide ERC®


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