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5 Signs Your Relocation Programme Isn’t Working (And What That Means for Your Mobility Costs)

  • by Debra Monkman
  • 20 November 2019 17:40:00

5 Signs Your Relocation Programme Isn’t Working (And What That Means for Your Mobility Costs)


"Cost management" was listed as the second most important priority amongst organisations who took part in our annual mobility report, Talent Mobility for Business Growth—Aligning Practices to Drive Organisational Impact. However, up to 72% of mobility stakeholders are unable to get an accurate picture of their company’s spend per employee relocation.

Even when companies are able to quantify mobility spend, there are often expenses and inefficiencies that are overlooked when calculating the true cost of mobility. In this infographic, we examine five warning signs that inefficiencies in your mobility programme could be driving costs up and programme ROI down.


Learn More About Controlling Your Mobility Costs

Managing mobility costs requires a close look at more than just the measurable expense lines associated with a relocation. Get our white paper, Controlling the Costs of Mobility, to explore the key influencers driving mobility costs, strategies to manage those costs, and how you can better track actual mobility spend.

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